Having worked with many construction and contracting companies, Solight understands how difficult construction site lighting can be, especially with traditional diesel light towers. Expensive fuel and maintenance, time-consuming operation, noise and odor are only some of the many complications that arise. At Solight, we’ve worked our hardest to develop the simplest, most powerful, and most durable light tower possible.

With Solight towers, you never have to spend a single dime on fuel. All Solight towers are 100% solar powered. Not only do you save money, but you get just as bright of lights, if not brighter, than you’d expect from a typical diesel tower. We use extremely high-lumen, industrial-grade lights with a lifetime warranty. With over 36,000 lumens on our lowest-light model, up to 64,000 lumens and more, Solight towers are immensely bright.

By switching to a Solight tower, you not only save money on fuel and get extremely bright lights, but you get features and intelligence that diesel towers simply can’t offer. For example, all Solight towers come equipped with a “night light” setting. Tired of wasting man-hours sending a worker out to turn the towers on and off every day? No problem. With a few clicks of a button, Solight towers turn themselves on at night and off the next morning. It’s more than just a simple timer — Solight towers actually detect the amount of sunlight hitting the panels and know exactly when the sun sets and rises. There’s not a single diesel tower on the market with that capability.

The benefits and savings from switching to Solight construction site lighting are endless. Contact Solight today and see why construction and contracting companies all over have made the switch and started saving.




construction site lighting

Need more lights? Need more batteries? We Customize!

Our in-house manufacturing allows us to produce the product thatĀ fits your needs.
Product customizing ranges from manufacturing changes to product functionality.